Old Guy Speed School

Old Guy Speed School
Brought to you by Beer League Beach Bodies (patent pending)

As I get older I’ve developed a new appreciation for sprinting. And it’s because on a personally level and more so with athletes, slow doesn’t age well.

I’ve started to view Sprinting as a barometer of individual health.
If you can safely hit 90+% of your max speed on a weekly basis your body & mind are healthy.

When you train at these speeds you earn your recovery.
When youre healthy it shows you’re recovering.
And when youre recovering your body absorbs the training.

An added benefit to sprinting is its the best hamstring exercise *research proven* & probably total body exercise there is. Yet we try to regress hamstrings, glutes etc to nordics, hip thrusts, etc.

Young and old. Rehabbing or performance based you need to include sprints in your life.

DM me for tips to safely and effectively incorporate sprints.

#sprinting #sprinters #sprinter #sprint #speed #speedkills #SlowDoesntAgeWell #sportsmedicine #sportsmed #sportsperformance #strenghttraining #hockey #crossfit #vansauthentic

james werner